$79.00 USD

4 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

OPFM Lifetime Pass Guitar


  • Hone your skills in Ukulele and Guitar, and unravel the fun in learning.
  • Our interactive tools let you send videos and receive personalized video feedback.
  • Experience the magic of music with our Soundslice interactive tab. Transform reading music into an engaging adventure, practicing along for an inspiring, rewarding musical journey. 
  • Engage with our vibrant Facebook group, where fellow music lovers share their experiences.
  • Join our monthly challenges, an exhilarating mix of fun and learning, and you could win one-on-one lessons every month!

Why do I see: *Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases* Just so you know, we'll need to keep your payment details on file. It's just how we make sure your membership renews smoothly each time. Pretty much every membership site does it (Netflix, for example)  – we just believe in being open about it. We're using Stripe, the world's leading payment processor, so your info's super secure. 

"The classes are crystal clear, and the explanations are very intuitive. Marco's breakdown of steps makes the learning process feel extremely organic. His good vibes make the lessons appealing, which is particularly remarkable given the video format as opposed to in-person teaching. I would recommend these classes without hesitation to anyone wishing to learn or fine-tune their ukulele playing."
