Next Level Beginner 

Baritone Series 

Welcome to your journey to becoming a next level beginner on your baritone ukulele. 

This type of ukulele player has graduated from the absolute basics and started exploring more advanced elements of ukulele playing.

  1. Chord Mastery: A next level beginner player should know how to transition smoothly between open chords and basic bar chords.
  2. Rhythm and Strumming: They can maintain steady rhythm and have mastered several strumming patterns.
  3. Beginning to Fingerpick: They can play simple fingerpicking patterns, turning chords into small symphonies.
  4. Playing a Uke Solo: They can perform a basic solo, harmonizing with a backing track while understanding the song's architecture and scale.
  5. Playing a Duet: They can jam with another uke player, seamlessly swapping between chords and melody, undeterred by the companion instrument's tunes.

The Next Level Beginner sharpens six key facets of your playing and beyond, paving your road to the desired intermediate level.


Next Level Beginner Baritone Path

Embark on a baritone ukulele voyage, from beginner to virtuoso. Get a handle on its structure, tuning, and strings. Learn chords, strumming, and fingerstyle foundations. Sway with the Andalusian cadence, perform solos to a track, and engage in duets. Let's orchestrate your musical tale!


Understanding Basic Chords: Master baritone ukulele essentials: key open chords, quintessential strumming rhythms, and fingerpicking sequences.

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Fingerstyle Baritone Basics: Embark on the baritone ukulele's fingerstyle journey. Master thumb plucking, alternate picking, the Pima technique, and beyond, all at your fingertips.

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Spanish Baritone Ukulele: Discover the captivating Andalusian cadence and flamenco techniques on your baritone ukulele, the heart of Spanish rhythms at your fingertips.

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Fingerstyle Baritone Basics: On your baritone ukulele, fine-tune your rhythmic accuracy while creating melody alongside vibrant backing tracks.

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Duet 1: Conquer the joyous 'Ode to Joy', rearranged for two baritone ukuleles! Plunge into an immersive and fun ukulele duet performance.

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Duet 2: Dive into an intriguing baritone ukulele duet designed for advanced beginners, where chords and melodies weave a captivating tapestry of intricate beauty.

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